Tuesday 3 November 2009

Getting started

As I start this, I've been learning Japanese for 6 weeks - never done it before. I studied French years ago, but this is completely different. The grammar is crazy, there are thousands of characters to learn, most of them have multiple ways of reading them. Talk about jumping in at the deep end!

If that wasn't enough, here's the jeopardy: the exams start in May...

Needless to say, the lessons seem to be moving fairly fast at the moment, and I am the one dragging behind.

Suddenly Lean manufacturing doesn't seem so intensive.

Learning a new language is a voyage of discovery, so I thought it would be interesting to leave a trail of breadcrumbs, not least because I'm bound to let it lapse in future - it will be interesting to see where the journey takes me. So I'm writing about what I did and what worked for me. I'll also be posting links sites that I found useful.

So to anyone learning Japanese out there: get involved! Do you think I'm doing it right? Let me know if anything I post is helpful!


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