Thursday 5 November 2009

Story so far

Last night was Lesson 7.  We did 'i' and 'na' adjectives (Japanese adjectives are odd - they conjugate just like verbs, though Japanese verbs are odd too).

We recapped too - it became apparrent that there's a lot I don't know.  On the few excercises we did I took 2-3 times longer than some.  Listening I couldn't do - I'm told that will come naturally (?!)

Here's what we've covered:
-Greetings (need to learn these);
-The forms of 'desu' endings;
-Telling the time (fairly good at this now);
-'Tai' verb form - 'I want to do ...';
-Particles (I need to learn some sentence structures with these in);
-'Masu' form, verbal tenses;
-Saying where something is.

I've also got four pages of words still to learn.

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